Scale your video content creation
Generate thousands of creative variations in minutes starting from a single pre-build template. With data integration Animable will dynamically showcase products, locations, prices, weather, sport live results, data report and more.
Stay on brand
Add or link your brand identity assets into your dashboard and Animable will adapt the video to your brand identity.
Create Dynamic ADS
Trigger your marketing campaign and decide it to start at a specific event.
Animable will deliver your videos through multi target and cross channel campaigns, adapting the format (auto-resizing) to the different channels.
Real-time data
Use real-time data to deliver relevant messages for your audience. Geolocation, weather, API, statistic data, CRM's data, are some of the sources Animable can use to trigger your marketing campaign and to personalise your video content.
Be relevant to your audience in every market
With Animable you can adapt your message to respond to the different markets your brand serves.
Animable adapts your message on a global scale, dynamically modifying the video template with customized data on prices, languages, local stores, promotions and products.
Personalise experiences for your audience
Deliver messages relevant to your audience and increase customer retention rate, engagement and loyalty.
Animable will create and deliver for every lead, contact or item, a separate and unique video.